Reading out car statics with OBD-II

A TraceME OBD-II tracker can be used in any car or van manufactured after 1996. Companies use this unit for fleet management to: track objects in real time, get specific notifications, to generate reports and much more. While, families can use this GPS Tracker to see vehicle location, identify unsafe driving, such as rapid acceleration, hard braking, or speeding. OBD-II Tracker can protect your car from being stolen, with various alarms or ability to cut engine remotely, when vehicle is stolen.


OBD-II GPS tracker is the most convenient vehicle GPS tracking device. This tracker plugs into a vehicle's OBD II port for easy installation. The OBD-II tracker installs within seconds and runs itself.

A OBD-II plug is fitted with a TraceME inside for an easy connection and reading out car statistics. Communicating directly and easy with the on board computer and output the data to every destination you want.

  • Plug & play OBD GPS Tracker, directly plug in to any car.
  • No installation and development costs.
  • GPS Trackers are easy to transfer from one car to another.
  • TraceME OBD GPS Tracker works with a SIM card with all providers, always and everywhere coverage.
  • Direct online overview of your vehicles in our simple and clear portal, so no installation of software or updates.
  • Easily export simple reports.
  • Notifications of events.
  • Works in Europe or the rest of the world, you can follow and track your cars everywhere.